Weekends Are Good for Home Cleaning

The weekend usually symbolize a time for relaxation, spending time with family and friends, preparing meals for the week, movies, date night….and oh yeah, home cleaning! Let’s all be honest and say cleaning is not the most favorite task of the week but it’s a necessary one to keep the home rodent and pest free, and looking GOOD for unexpected visitors. Have you ever had a moment where you were cleaning and came across items you have no use for any longer? How many times have you said I don’t want to throw it away but its taking up space? If either situation plague you, its sounds like you need a self storage unit to keep valuables you do not want to toss in the trash.
Centron Self Storage Solutions in North York has two amazing facilities in local neighborhoods to fit any need. While you are cleaning this weekend and maybe blasting the stero to your favorite tunes as you make your way around the home, take a piece of pen and paper and write down all the items you can put in storage. Declutter but keep your valuables is our key phrase today!
What’s in the Closet: If you’re like me, I used my closet to store my partners junk, man stuff, antique items, and his gazillion boots and shoes. This man did not need all those items in our apartment closet so I told him it had to go into storage. Does this situation sound like yours? Write down the items in your partners man cave or woman’s den, prioritize the list of what to keep and what to put in storage.
What’s Under the Bed: Did the clutter monster jump out and scare you silly? That means its time to clean the dust from under the bed, secure the lost socks in sock heaven, and put the unwanted but valuable items aside for storage. Aren’t you glad you have home cleaning tips to help with your storage needs now, when was the last time you looked under the bed?
What’s in the Entertainment Center: If you’re reading this blog post, you have switched over to the digital age. You do not need Queen’s entire musical discography in your entertainment center unless its that most prized vinyl. Even then, store the items because you’re either keeping them because you do not know what to do with them or you like to show off your musical taste. I am sure your last guest walked into your home with a iPod stuck in their head. Store old CD’s, tapes and albums.
What to do Next After Home Cleaning
After your home cleaning task for the weekend is complete, on Monday, take your boxes down to Centron Self Storage!