The Three Little Pigs: How Centron Storage Helped Them Move to North York

It was a rough month for Bacon, Ham, and Sausage. The Big Bad Wolf just huffed and puffed and blew their homes down. With two brothers homeless, they decided it was time for change. Sausage sold his brick house and made just enough money for the brothers to move to North York, where Uncle Pork agreed to buy them all brand new homes. Little did they know, the Big Bad Wolf is also in town.
The brothers arrive in Toronto on a cold chilly May evening. Uncle Pork greets them in the airport. “Sorry boys, the houses won’t be ready for another week. The contractors are taking longer than expected.” He also warns them to be careful, because the Big Bad Wolf was spotted by news reporters and it is rumored that he has a new hoarding addiction. Upset, the three pigs gather to figure out what to do with all of their luggage. Bacon decides he will leave his belongings in his uncle’s garage. “The Big Bad… who? I’m not scared of no hoarding wolf!” Ham laughs at him, saying the garage is dirty and that he will store his luggage in Uncle Pork’s basement. Sausage was having none of it though, “Have you guys lost your minds!? Don’t you remember what happened with the Big Bad Wolf back home! I’m keeping my things at Centron Self Storage North York. No Big Bad anything is getting my things.”
A few days pass. Bacon and Ham have been making fun of Sausage the entire time, saying he’s foolish for using a moving storage North York facility. Suddenly, while Bacon and Ham are playing cards in the garage they hear a knock. “Open up this garage door and give me your bags, or I’m going to huff and puff and blow this door down!” Scared, Bacon and Ham run towards the basement. Just as they get there they hear a boom, and the Big Bad Wolf yells out “Wow look at all these cool things I get! Now it’s time to get to the basement.”
The Big Bad Wolf runs towards the backyard entrance to the basement. Bacon and Ham fortify the door with dressers, and laugh at the Big Bad Wolf that he won’t be able to get in. “Oh yeah?” he says. “If you don’t open up right now, I’m going to huff and puff and blow this door down!”
It was just a moment later that the dressers went flying and the Big Bad Wolf enters. Bacon and Ham run towards Centron Self Storage, where Sausage was hanging out, in his secure North York storage unit.
Finally, the duo make it to Centron Self Storage, where Sausage is sitting just under a sign that says “Public Storage North York”. He sees the Big Bad Wolf behind them and let’s his brothers in, just in time to close the door behind their panting follower. They hide out in his storage locker and listen to the Big Bad Wolf make threats of blowing the storage space down.
An hour passes.
Two hours pass.
Three hours pass.
…The Big Bad Wolf is caught by the friendly Centron Self Storage staff. “You guys don’t have to worry about this wolf anymore,” they say. Meanwhile, Sausage’s luggage was all safe and neatly organized in his secure self-storage space. He invites his brothers to rent units next to his, and they all receive 50% off their next payment, thanks to Centron’s referral program.