Spring Decluttering! (Get Your Home in Order)

Do you feel overwhelmed thinking about spring cleaning? Clutter can cause stress. Here are some tips to help you start, keep motivated, and handle the items you want to keep and those you wish to recycle.
Before you begin:
- Draw out a floor plan of your home and all its rooms
- Designate places for items to keep (pantry, closet, dressers, etc.)
- Mark the most cluttered rooms on the plan
If you decide where things should go, it is easier to get organized. If you collect certain items and need access to them (books, magazines, records, craft items), make sure they’re contained and identifiable.
Next steps:
- Obtain some large boxes
- Mark boxes: Keep, Donate, Storage 1, Storage 2, and Relocate
- Mark each side of the box with a description of its contents
- Place a roll or box of garbage bags on each floor/major area of your home — keep boxes in a central location
- Make a list of item categories (garbage, books, seasonal items, shoes, clothing, CDs, videos, games)
Think of it as a job:
- Review the floor plan and designate where items should go
- Work fifteen minutes per room, per category
- After an hour, take a break and then pick up where you left off
- Be “fast and furious:” look, grab and go
- Stack items separately ( keep – donate – store)
- Move out boxes for charity and storage out on a regular basis
If you handle clutter by spending fifteen minutes in a room and then walk away for a break, you’ll avoid feeling stressed out. Don’t get overwhelmed by the big picture. Centron Self Storage has great storage solutions to fit your needs. Contact our North York: (416) 739-0000. Your belongings are safe, secure, and there when you need them. Call today to reserve your space; 24/7.