Halloween Decorations and Storage

Halloween decorations are used for a few weeks to days during the month of October to show ghoul spirit to trick o’ treaters. Homeowners love to decorate their houses with beautiful Halloween decorations and some are so devoted to the spirit they amass a lot small to large items that they do not have room to store until the next year. Create space in your home, attic or garage by storing your items at Centron Self Storage. With our location in North York, you can rest assured your items will be stored securely at our facilities on 4500 Chesswood Drive. After October 31, here are a few tips to get you ready to store your Halloween decorations in storage:
Evaluate Your Items
Decide what items are too large to store at home and organize your decorations to determine what can be wrapped and boxed properly. You can even store small to mid size decorations if you do not want them in your home either. Wrap them and box them accordingly. We offer tips on how to store items at: https://www.centronstorage.com/tools-tips/.
Calculate Storage Size
Once you determined how many items you need to store, wrapped your decorations and packed your boxes, you need to calculate your storage size. Our storage sizes are:
5’x5′: Suggested contents for this unit are small furniture, 5-10 boxes, clothes, chairs, and small dresser. This unit is approximately 200 cubic feet. This unit is great for small to medium Halloween decorations.
5’x10′: Suggested contents for this unit are one or two rooms of furniture, 10-20 boxes, small items, and bicycles. This unit is approximately 425 cubic feet and can hold medium to larger Halloween decorations.
10’x10′: Suggested contents for this unit are items from a large bedroom or two bedroom apartment. If you have large ghoulish items, flying ghosts and witches, scarecrows, and other larger than life items, store them inside this unit.
Centron Self Storage offers larger unit sizes. Visit our website to find more unit sizes and calculate your space: https://www.centronstorage.com/storage-sizes/.