Centron Storage: Personal Storage Security at its Best

Nothing would be worse than losing your belongings due to a storage facilities inability to properly secure them. That is why Centron Storage makes it our goal to provide maximum security for all of your items. We have implemented a number of security features into our building which will protect your North York storage unit and give you peace of mind. Below is a list of our security features and why they will benefit you.
Computer Controlled Access System:
In order to access their units, customers can use a personalized computer identification code. This acts to make sure whoever is entering the facility has their own private storage space.
Motion Detectors:
We have pinpointed the prime locations within our facility that would benefit from motion sensors. Unwanted persons will not be able to enter our property, further protecting your belongings.
Surveillance Cameras:
To supplement our other security features we have placed surveillance cameras in and around our storage centre. Whatever happens in our facility will be recorded and viewable by Centron staff. Nothing unlawful will go unnoticed, ensuring your goods are protected.
Clean and Modern Facilities:
Our storage buildings are all upgraded to meet the needs of our ever-changing world. We use models of situational crime prevention to deter would-be crime. For example, our facilities are well lit, fenced and well maintained, providing little opportunity for crime.
Private Security Patrols:
If all of our up-to date security measures weren’t convincing enough, we actually have trained security personnel patrol our storage centres. Mini-storage in North York has never been safer!
Daily Inspections:
We actively update and maintain daily inspection checks within our North York storage facility. Accessing your public storage facility at Centron Storage is one of your safest activities.
Intercom System:
Our managers are able to keep in contact with customers and visitors with our intercom system. If something ever seems amiss we will immediately consult the individual(s).
Your Own Lock & Key:
We provide guests with their very own lock and key ensuring they are the only ones who have access to their storage unit. Nobody unwanted will be able to access your locked storage space.
Storage Insurance:
For wary customers we offer the extra benefit of storage insurance. This will protect your belongings beyond all of our high-security measures.
When it comes to securing your belongings, you will not find a better storage solutions facility than Centron. Get in contact today!