Big Business, Big Money, and Big Storage Needs: North York Storage Units to the Rescue

As an entrepreneur in any field, maximizing profit should always be your number one goal. After all, who doesn’t love making the big bucks? The more you want your business to grow, the more storage will become an issue. Kevin O’Leary has an inspirational story about starting his business empire in his mother’s basement with just a ten thousand dollar loan. That’s the story of many great entrepreneurs. Sometimes the basement isn’t enough though!
Growing your business will require a lot of space. Whether it’s extra furniture, extra dishes, winter tires for a number of vehicles, or even just a variety of items you plan on using in the bigger office you’ve always dreamed of, a secure storage unit will show its merit.
Business people have always got to think grand. That’s why you’ve made it this far- forget small scale! It is crucial to have backups of everything valuable or that may be of use. For example, an office may want to back up hard drives and store them out of the building in case of fire, theft, or other unfortunate occurrences.
When choosing a storage space in North York for your business, many factors should be considered. Some include affordability, location and security. Centron Self Storage provides units for an affordable rate. We also provide you with a highly useful space calculator to determine how big of a storage locker you will need to get. Our locations are 6 Dawes Road and 4500 Chesswood Drive. Centron provides high security through surveillance. As an added bonus our North York storage units are also climate controlled.
Stay tuned for articles on optimizing your specific business field’s storage needs! Our restaurant storage blog is currently available.