Avoid These Four Common Mistakes When Using Our Storage Units

While enjoying our great deals, security, and access features are a snap, sometimes customers don’t get the most out of their units, especially if it’s their first time. While a complete list of things to avoid while storing might be exhaustive, here are four extremely common mistakes for storage-renters that you can now side-step for optimal usage.
- No Labels = Major Headache. The choice is yours to pile up dozens (or even hundreds!) of boxes in one or more of our units — we’ve certainly got the space. But remember: while things seem clear, sorted, and organized now, it’s going to be difficult to remember where you put that particular form or that cherished jacket in several months. Without proper labels, you’ll be tearing through your carefully organized units and wasting a ton of time. Remember to label every box legibly and on a side that can be located without struggle.
- Out of Sight, Out of Memory. We completely understand why you’re using a storage unit. Space is ever more valuable, and there are some things you just can’t give away. That being said, you can save yourself some money by potentially downgrading to a smaller unit size after semi-regular purges. If you make semi-regular visits to our facilities—say, once every three months— you might realize you’ve stored a number of items that you’ll never need again. Have you needed that old clock or pair of shoes in six months? If not, chances are you never will. Send it to charity and save some cash.
- You Thought Tetris Was For Kids. Those who’ve mastered the art of Tetris realize that you can take advantage of floor and height to get the most out of your storage space. One way to stack vertically without creating mountains of immovable boxes is to invest in free-standing shelving units. You’ll pay for them in no time with the space you’ll save and the easy-to-access nature of shelving.
- What, Me? Insurance? While we can offer the best security features in the storage business — including security cameras, motion detectors, clean and dry units, intercom connection, security patrols and inspections, and more — we can’t control mother earth. Natural disasters can and will happen regardless of human intervention, or wishes. Just as you’d naturally invest in insurance in the home or at work for those unpredictable events, so too should you purchase insurance for your stored valuables. There’s a reason you’re keeping them safe with us, so make sure they’re covered even in the unlikely event of Biblical flood or raging fire.
When we say that finding all your storage solutions at Centron Storage is simple, we really mean it. Our facilities can handle just about anything you might want to store, with individual units ranging from 20 to 300 square feet at both of our well-lit, safe, and above all, secure locations. With our great rental deals, we’re also the best value in the neighbourhood, hands down. So with these great tips in mind, send us a message and we’ll get started on finding the best units for you!